1. Privacy Policy of the CCTVDESIGNAPP App

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter: "Policy") contains information on the processing of your personal data in connection with the use of the "CCTVDESIGNTOOL" app, operating at the internet address https://app.cctvdesigntool.com (hereinafter: "App").

All capitalized terms that are not otherwise defined in the Policy shall have the meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions, available at: https://cctvdesigntool.com/privacy-policy.

2. Personal Data Controller

The Controller of your personal data is iksńiculP łahciM, conducting business activity under the business name of: iksńiculP łahciM HCETULP (address of the fixed place of business: wókriM ,b61 antawałB .lu, dlanoP), entered into the Central Register of Information on Economic Activity kept by the minister competent for economy, having NIP: 3508712967, REGON number: 362573474 (hereinafter: "Controller").

3. Contact with the Controller

In all matters related to the processing of personal data, you can contact the Controller using:

4. Measures to Protect Personal Data

The Controller uses modern organizational and technical safeguards to ensure the best possible protection of your personal data and guarantees that it processes them in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: "GDPR"), the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data and other provisions on the protection of personal data.

5. Information about the Processed Personal Data

Using the App requires the processing of your personal data. Below you will find detailed information about the purposes and legal bases of processing, as well as the period of processing and the obligation or voluntariness to provide them.

Purpose of processingPersonal data processedLegal basis
Conclusion and performance of the Agreement for the provision of the Account Service 1) Email address Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing is necessary for the performance of the Account Service Agreement concluded with the data subject or to take steps to conclude it)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is a condition for the conclusion and performance of the contract for the provision of the Account Service (their provision is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to conclude and perform the above-mentioned contract, including the creation of an Account).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the claims arising from the Agreement for the provision of the Account Service expire.
Conclusion and performance of the Agreement for the use of the App 1) Name and surname
2) Email address
3) Telephone number
4) Address of residence/business activity
5) Delivery address (if different from the address of residence/business)
6) Optionally - company and NIP (if the Buyer is an Entrepreneur or Entrepreneur with consumer rights)
Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing is necessary for the performance of the Agreement for the use of the App concluded with the data subject or to take steps to conclude it)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is a condition for the conclusion and performance of the Agreement for the use of the App (their provision is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to conclude and perform the Agreement for the use of the App).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the claims arising from the Agreement for the use of the App expire.
Conducting a complaint procedure1) Email address Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the Controller)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is a condition for receiving a response to the complaint or exercising the Client's rights under the provisions on the Controller's liability in the event of non-compliance of the Subject of Digital Services with the Agreement concerning it (their application is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to receive a response to the complaint and the implementation of the above-mentioned rights).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data for the duration of the complaint procedure, and in the case of the implementation of the above-mentioned rights of the Client until they expire.
Sending email notificationsEmail address Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (processing is necessary in order to implement the legitimate interest of the Controller, in this case informing Clients about the actions taken related to the performance of agreements concluded with Clients)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary to receive information about activities related to the performance of agreements concluded with Clients (the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to receive the above-mentioned information).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the objection is effectively raised or the purpose of processing is achieved (whichever occurs first).
Handling inquiries submitted by Clients 1) Name
2) Email address
3) Other data contained in the message to the Controller
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to implement the legitimate interest of the Controller, in this case to respond to the received inquiry)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary to receive an answer to the inquiry (the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to receive an answer).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the objection is effectively raised or the purpose of processing is achieved (whichever occurs first).
Compliance with tax obligations 1) Name and surname/company
2) Address of residence/registered office
3) Tax identification number
Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation incumbent on the Controller, in this case obligations arising from tax law)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the Controller to meet its tax obligations (the consequence of not providing them will be the Controller's inability to meet the above-mentioned obligations).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data for a period of 5 years from the end of the year in which the tax payment deadline for the previous year expired.
Fulfillment of obligations related to the protection of personal data 1) Name and surname
2) Contact details provided by you (email address; correspondence address; telephone number)
Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation incumbent on the Controller, in this case the obligations arising from the provisions on the protection of personal data)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the Controller to properly perform the obligations arising from the provisions on the protection of personal data, m.in. exercise the rights granted to you by the GDPR (the consequence of not providing the above-mentioned data will be the inability to properly implement the above-mentioned rights).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the expiry of the limitation periods for claims for violation of the provisions on the protection of personal data.
Establishing, investigating, or defending against claims 1) Name and surname/company
2) Email address
3) Address of residence/registered office
4) PESEL number
5) Tax identification number
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to implement the legitimate interest of the Controller, in this case to establish, investigate or defend against claims that may arise in connection with the performance of Contracts concluded with the Controller)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary to establish, investigate or defend against claims that may arise in connection with the performance of the agreements concluded with the Controller (the consequence of not providing the above-mentioned data will be the inability of the Controller to take the above-mentioned actions).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the expiry of the limitation periods for claims that may arise in connection with the performance of the agreements concluded with the Controller.
Analysis of your activity in the App 1) Date and time of visit
2) IP number of the device
3) Device operating system type
4) Approximate location
5) Type of web browser
6) Time spent in the App
7) Visited subpages and other activities undertaken as part of the App
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to implement the legitimate interest of the Controller, in this case obtaining information about your activity in the App)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the Controller to obtain information about your activity in the App (the consequence of not providing them will be the Controller's inability to obtain the above-mentioned information).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the effective objection is raised or the purpose of processing is achieved.
App administration 1) IP address
2) Server date and time
3) Web browser information
4) Operating system information
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (processing is necessary to implement the legitimate interest of the Controller, in this case to ensure the proper operation of the App)
Providing the above-mentioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary to ensure the proper operation of the App (the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to ensure the operation of the App in a proper manner).
The Controller will process the above-mentioned personal data until the effective objection is raised or the purpose of processing is achieved.

6. Recipients of Personal Data

The recipients of personal data will be the following external entities cooperating with the Controller:

  • Hosting company - AWS
  • Providers of online payment systems - Stripe Inc.
  • Companies providing tools for analyzing activity in the App and directing direct marketing to people using it (m.in. Google Analytics)
  • A company providing accounting services - iFirma

In addition, personal data may also be transferred to public or private entities, if such an obligation results from generally applicable law, a final court judgment or a final administrative decision.

7. Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country

In connection with the Controller's use of services provided by Google LLC, your personal data may be transferred to the following third countries: Great Britain, Canada, USA, Chile, Brazil, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India, China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan (Republic of China), Indonesia and Australia. The basis for the transfer of data to the above-mentioned third countries are:

  • In the case of the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel and Japan - decisions of the European Commission stating an adequate level of protection of personal data in each of the above-mentioned third countries
  • For the USA, Chile, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India, China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan (Republic of China), Indonesia and Australia, contractual clauses ensuring an adequate level of protection, in accordance with the standard contractual clauses set out in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679

You can obtain from the Controller a copy of the data transferred to a third country.

8. Your Rights

In connection with the processing of personal data, you have the following rights:

  • The right to information about what personal data concerning you is processed by the Controller and to receive a copy of this data (the so-called right of access)
  • If the processed data becomes outdated or incomplete (or otherwise incorrect), you have the right to request its rectification
  • In certain situations, you can ask the Controller to delete your personal data, e.g. when:
    • a) The data will no longer be needed by the Controller for the purposes of which he informed
    • b) You have effectively withdrawn your consent to the processing of data - unless the Controller has the right to process data on another legal basis
    • c) The processing is unlawful
    • d) The need to delete data results from the Controller's legal obligation
  • If personal data are processed by the Controller on the basis of consent to processing or for the purpose of performing the Agreement concluded with him, you have the right to transfer your data to another Controller
  • If personal data is processed by the Controller on the basis of your consent to processing, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time (withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing that was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal)
  • If you consider that the processed personal data is incorrect, their processing is unlawful, or the Controller no longer needs certain data, you can request that for a specific, necessary time (e.g. checking the correctness of data or pursuing claims) the Controller does not perform any operations on the data, but only stores them
  • You have the right to object to the processing of personal data whose basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller. In the event of an effective objection, the Controller will cease to process personal data for the above-mentioned purpose
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if you believe that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR

9. Cookies

The Controller informs that the App uses "cookies" installed on your end device. These are small text files that can be read by the Controller's system, as well as by systems belonging to other entities whose services are used by the Controller (e.g. Facebook, Google).

The Controller uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring the proper operation of the App
  • Increasing the comfort of browsing the App
  • Creating statistics
  • Conducting marketing activities

Controller can place both permanent and temporary (session) files on your device. Session files are usually deleted when you close the browser, but closing the browser does not delete persistent files.

Information about cookies used by the Controller is displayed in the panel located at the bottom of the App's website. Depending on your decision, you can enable or disable cookies of individual categories (except for necessary cookies) and change these settings at any time.

Data collected using cookies do not allow the Controller to identify you.

Necessary cookiesController The operation of these files is necessary for the proper functioning of the App, so you can not disable them. Thanks to these files (collecting, m.in. the IP number of your device), it is possible, m.in. to inform you about cookies operating on the App Most of the necessary cookies are session cookies, but some remain on your device for a period of 30 days or until they are deleted
Google AnalyticsGoogle This tool allows you to collect statistical data on how users use the App, m.in. the number of visits, the duration of visits, the search engine used, location. The collected data helps to improve the App and make it more friendly to customers. Up to 2 years or until they are removed (whichever occurs first)
Facebook PixelFacebook This tool also allows you to determine that you have visited the App, to direct ads displayed on Facebook and Instagram social networks to you and measure their effectiveness. Up to 3 months or until they are removed (whichever occurs first)

Through most used browsers, you can check whether cookies have been installed on your end device, as well as delete installed cookies and block them from being installed by the App in the future. Disabling or limiting the use of cookies may, however, cause quite serious difficulties in using the App, e.g. in the form of the need to log in to each subpage, a longer loading period of the Apps restrictions on the use of certain functionalities.

10. Final Provisions

To the extent not regulated by the Policy, generally applicable provisions on the protection of personal data shall apply.

This policy is effective from 09.01.2024.